A Fellow RT Needs Your Help

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The CTSRC was sent this letter and we have permission from Jeanne to share it with you. Please take a moment to read this. Thank you – The CTSRC BOD

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Some of you may know that Jeanne Roche RRT, MPH has end-stage kidney disease and needs a transplant.
Jeanne has been a respiratory therapist for over 30 years and was a former manager of the Respiratory Care department at Meriden-Wallingford Hospital (1989-2002) which was then re-named Midstate Medical Center. She has been a life long member of the AARC and most likely served on the CTSRC board in the 90’s. She worked there up until June 2017 when she had to take an LOA.

According to the CDC more than 10% of American adults – about 20 million people – have chronic kidney disease with 600,000 on dialysis and 100,000 currently on the waiting list. The enormous physical and emotional toll of living with end-stage kidney disease, not to mention the exhaustion of daily dialysis- makes it to overwhelming for her to be writing this. It has been found that more than half of all the people in need of a kidney transplant do not even ask one person to donate.

Which is why I am writing this letter to appeal to the CTSRC to try and spread the word for her – start with Connecticut and then the AARC – because I know that without sending this, someone who might be interested in helping won’t have that opportunity. If you can help or know someone who might – please forward this on.
Jeanne is Blood Type A Positive and registered with Yale New Haven Transplant Center 866-925-3897.

Thank you for your consideration.
Jan St George RRT, AE-C