Call for Nominations

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The CTSRC Needs YOU!!

The Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care is seeking nominations for the following positions:

President Elect, Vice President External Affairs, Vice President Internal Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer, Delegate and Board of Directors

– Nominee must be an active member of the AARC in good standing

– The nominee must attend the monthly CTSRC Board of Directors

– Practitioners from all aspects of Respiratory Care are encouraged to participate!

Serving on the board of directors is a great way to give something back to the profession.  The future presents exciting challenges for the profession of Respiratory Care in Connecticut.  If you or someone you know has shown an interest in getting involved now is the time!

Want to find out more about the CTSRC?  Please join us at a Board of Directors meeting.  Meetings are held on the 3rdWednesday of each month. You can call ahead of time and find out location. Meetings are open to any member of the CTSRC

 Deadline: December 15, 2019

To nominate someone, please go to our web page at: